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  • 0,75 kg rye flour
  • 0,25 kg wheat flour
  • 0,5 l of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 0,5 spoon of cumin
  • 1 decagram of yeast

Take a bowl which is big enough to mix both kinds of flour. Make a pit and put crumbled yeast inside it. Then pour 150 ml of warm water and sprinkle some flour on the top. Leave the bowl for about half an hour in a warm place. Then pour rest of the water, put salt, cumin and mix everything till you get smooth dough. Then cover it with a linen cloth and leave in the warm place till it rises enough (for about an hour). In the same time heat up the oven (250°C). Well-risen doughshould be kneaded once more. Then put it in a buttered tray. Put into the oven, and after 10 minutes reduce the temperature to 150°C. Bake the bread for an hour from now. Short before the end you can spread some milk on the top – it will look better.

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